There’s no recipe in here—this is just a bonus newsletter to say:
ATK Next Gen got picked up for season two!!!!! Woo!!!!
And they’re casting! Right now! Most of you found your way here because of the show, but lots of you didn’t—either way! If you’re an experienced home cook looking for a fun new challenge and a chance to do what you love at home for a living, now’s the time!
And if you need more convincing, just peek into the comments section on this Reel I made about casting. ATK itself is a gift and a dream and a place filled with some of the greatest people ever to set foot in a kitchen. Their fans, and the fans of the show, are some of the best people around.
If you’ve got questions, send me a message! If you don’t and you’re ready to submit, here’s a link to the application.
There’s always the chance you won’t get cast, but you’ll also never know unless you try, and in my experience, it’s always better to see what happens than to never throw your hat in the ring (or your spatula in the pot, or whatever cooking metaphor works best here). You can do it!
"A 'no' is free" (John Waters)